


Experience faith and fellowship at a Christian women's event.

group of women standing on rock fragment
group of women standing on rock fragment
three women wearing blue denim jeans sitting on gray wooden bench
three women wearing blue denim jeans sitting on gray wooden bench

Speaking in the inner city and at country churches... retreats, banquets, and teas for Christian women of all ages.

Audrey Marie Hessler

Speaker. Teacher. Author. Biblical Life & Grief Coach

Are you looking for a Christian women's speaker for your next retreat or Christian Women's event?

Would you like to know more about Audrey's speaking? Fill out the form below. Your information will remain private.

Inspirational Faith-Building Topics

Each topic can be singular for one event or combined for a one-day or weekend retreat.

  1. MOMSENSE, The Wisdom of Nonsensible Love: Women of God are mothers of birthed, adopted, and spiritual children who live with faith and share God's love. A Mother's wisdom shares God's agape love.

  2. GRAND MOMSENSE, The Wisdom of a Life that Ages Well: Women of God live their lives on purpose, influencing generations of lives with a focus on an eternal impact. A Grandmother's wisdom sees God's bigger picture of God's heart spanning decades.

  3. CHOSEN LADY RISE UP AND PRAY, The Wisdom of Prayer: Women of God, pray partnering with God to see lives changed and the world transformed. Prayer is a direct line to God's heart and has the power to bring about change and miracles. A praying woman's wisdom touches God's heart.

  4. A WOMAN REFLECTING GOD'S BEAUTY, The Wisdom of Service: Women of God serve the Lord and others with gladness, knowing all they do is as unto the Lord. A serving woman's wisdom lives the heart of God.

  5. AN OVERCOMING WOMAN, The Wisdom of Living as God's Overcoming Woman: Women of God know you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free, and free women are overcomers through Christ Jesus. An overcoming woman experiences God's heart of wisdom.

  6. NEW: A WOMAN WHO LIVES LIFE BETTER, NOT BITTER, The Wisdom of Living God's Word: Women of God choose to overcome any root of bitterness to live life better for Jesus Christ and His kingdom. A woman living better chooses God's wisdom as a better lifestyle.

  7. TOPIC CHOICES AND COMBINATIONS OF TOPICS of your group's choice can be discussed with Audrey for for a retreat day or weekend retreat.

A Woman of Generational Influence

2 women sitting on black chair
2 women sitting on black chair

Audrey Marie is a vetted Stonecroft Christian Women's speaker, speaking where she is, as she is.

black and white scarf on brown wooden dock
black and white scarf on brown wooden dock
photo of three women lifting there hands \
photo of three women lifting there hands \

“Audrey’s testimony was powerful and Christ-honoring.”

CS Frankenmuth, MI

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

Hebrews 4:12

“Audrey’s teaching is biblically based, touching hearts, transforming lives, and honoring the living God.

a group of people holding hands on top of a tree
a group of people holding hands on top of a tree

Audrey works with your church/event's budget, speaking, and traveling throughout the Midwest or wherever the Lord leads.

A Professional Christian Women's Speaker...

people laughing and talking outside during daytime
people laughing and talking outside during daytime

"Life-changing experience! Highly recommend. This was the best retreat I ever attended!"

Testimonial from a Retreat attendee where Audrey was the keynote speaker.