Available now! Audrey's new book is the Number One New Release in Inspirational Christianity during July 2024!

♥ From Heartache to Hope: A Journey of Redemption for Parents of Prodigals ♥

When adult children drift from their faith, parents face profound heartache and uncertainty. But what if there's a story that shines a light of hope in their darkest moments?

Through heartfelt narrative and unwavering faith, The Girl Who Learned to Live Life Better offers solace and strength to parents navigating the challenging path of a prodigal child.

Get ready to:

  • Witness Miracles Unfold: Dive into real-life stories of prayers answered and adult children rediscovering their faith.

  • Embrace Hope: Learn how to find peace and trust in God's plan, even amidst uncertainty and doubt.

  • Practical Guidance: Gain insights into supporting your adult child and nurturing your own faith during trying times.

  • Find Healing: Move beyond despair and embrace a future filled with hope, joy, and restoration.

  • Renew Your Trust: Rediscover the power of faith as you entrust your adult child's journey to God's unwavering love.

Audrey's story is a beacon of hope for every parent of a prodigal, offering comfort, encouragement, and practical wisdom. Throughout the pages of this book, readers will find reassurance that they are not alone in their struggles and that there is always hope for redemption and reconciliation.

fireworks display over body of water during night time
fireworks display over body of water during night time

I am blessed to be a Christian who loves God and lives a happy, grateful life. But this is my backstory. I was once an angry prodigal daughter, a broken, bitter girl from an alcoholic home. I thought I could never change. But God!  - Audrey Marie Hessler

I once lived a hopeless life. But God!

My mother died. My brothers were addicts; my father was an alcoholic. I screamed at my mother during what would turn out to be our last conversation, "No, I don't pray. There is no God who cares about us!"

She said, "Audrey, I will pray you will believe again." And she wept.

It did not happen immediately, but my mother's prayer was answered. She did not live to see it, but now she rejoices in heaven.

I believed again!

The Savior extended his amazing grace toward me. He gave me a choice to receive or refuse his outstretched hand of love and life.

A loving God says you have a choice, too, every day. We each choose bitter or better.

Choose not to be bitter today, leading one down the prodigal road, but live life better!

It's available now on Amazon! THE GIRL WHO LEARNED TO LIVE LIFE BETTER, a True Story to Inspire Every Parent Who's Praying For a Prodigal Child.

This story will inspire broken-hearted parents of prodigals, but even more so, it will INSPIRE EVERYONE to BELIEVE in MIRACLES and have greater faith in a GOD WHO HEARS and ANSWERS PRAYER!

Also, now available a new speaking topic:
Chosen lady, Rise Up and Live Life Better, Not Bitter

Audrey Marie Hessler is an inspirational speaker, teacher, author, and Biblical life and grief coach. Once a prodigal daughter, she draws from her own personal experiences stories of triumph over adversity and the transformative power of God's love and grace.

“Audrey is so inspiring! I just thought, don't stop speaking! I learned so much!”

Frankenmuth CWC Attendee

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"Audrey's words resonate deeply with individuals. She inspired all of us to strengthen our relationship with God, find hope in difficult times, and live a life of purpose. Her stories are filled with laughter and tears. Bring a tissue and come ready to be inspired and changed!"
Christian Women's Connection Attendee